Imagined Tech Studies

Hello, world!
We are Mario Guzman and Kit Kuksenok, and we teach tech ✨imagination✨
Our collaboration combines discussion, creative writing, critical reading, and interactive storytelling that integrates both fiction and non-fiction. When it comes to technology, there is some fiction in the "real," and there is vital reality in the "fictional." We strive to bring into conversation diverse voices, both contemporary and historical; both mainstream and under-represented.

Past Courses

Fall '23 & Spring '24 Algorithmic Poetry of Fictional Robotics - Kit & Mario @ School of MA
Spring '23 What Now? Speculative Fiction and Worldbuilding - Kit
Spring '21 Poesía Algorítmica: especulación imaginativa, machine learning y estudios sobre el código - Mario @ School of MA
Fall '20 Algorithmic Poetry: speculative imagination, machine learning, and code studies - Mario @ School of MA